Achievements and awards

Multiple prizewinner of prestigious awards

Achievements and awards

Multiple prizewinner of prestigious awards

The company’s preparations are highly estimated by the experts in the agricultural industry and become a awardee in specialized events in Russia and abroad.

  • All awards
  • 2002
  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021

Certificate of completion of the program “SMB: Innovation incubator”

“SMB Corporation”, federal corporation for the development of small and medium-sized businesses

High-Tech Exporter of the Year

JSC “Russian Export Center”, All-Russian Award “Exporter of the Year

Diploma for the development of innovative preparations, promotion of high-tech development of the agricultural industry, active informational, educational work and productive cooperation in 2020

“Agrarniye Izvestiya” Publishing House, Tyumen

Winner in “Golden Mercury” Russian competition in “The best exporter of the Altai Territory in the field of international innovation cooperation” nomination

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

26th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for the active participation in the exhibition “Agrotechnology InterAgroMash”

“DonExpocentre”, Rostov-on-Don

Letter of gratitude “For the contribution to the formation of the agro-industrial infrastructure of the region.”

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Winner in “Golden Mercury” Russian competition in “The best innovative enterprise in the field of innovation” nomination

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib”, Novosibirsk

Diploma for the high quality of the products presented at the exhibition “Agrotechnology InterAgroMash”

“DonExpocentre”, Rostov-on-Don

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Exhibition of agriculture and food industry “KazAgro”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Gold medal for the production and promotion in the agroindustrial complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory plant growth regulator based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Siberian Agroindustrial Forum. Krasnoyarsk Fair, Krasnoyarsk

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib”, Novosibirsk

Diploma of the participant in “Golden Autumn” exhibition

XVIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Bronze medal for the development of an innovative plant growth regulator based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

XVIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma of the regional stage participant in “100 Best Goods of Russia” competition in “Industrial goods for the population” nomination

Government of the Orenburg Region, Orenburg

Prizewinner of the All-Russian competition program “100 Best Goods of Russia” – Pesticide “Zerebra Agro”

Government of the Orenburg Region, Orenburg

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

24th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Bronze medal in “AgroComplex” exhibition

International specialized exhibition “AgroComplex”, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Exhibition of agriculture and food industry “KazAgro”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Medal in the exhibition

Agroforum “Volgograd Farmer”, Volgograd

Diploma for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Siberian Agroindustrial Forum. Krasnoyarsk Fair, Krasnoyarsk

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib”, Novosibirsk

Silver medal for the world’s first bactericide and fungicide based on chemically modified colloidal silver “Zeroxxe”

International Congress of Organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union, Exhibition “Agrochemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Ecology”, Tambov

Gold medal for a plant growth regulator “Zerebra Agro”

International Congress of Organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union, Exhibition “Agrochemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Ecology”, Tambov

Diploma for the active participation in “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum

7th Agricultural Forum “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field”, Saratov

Diploma for the production of high quality plant protection preparations and professional organization of “Agro Ural” exhibition

Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Perm

Diploma for participation in “Day of the Field. VolgogradAgro” exhibition

“Volgograd farmer” by Shtepo, Volgograd Region, Novoanninsky District

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

23rd International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for participation in “Day of the Tambov Field” exhibition

Department of Agriculture, Tambov Region, Rasskazovsky District, Kotovskoye

Diploma for participation in the X interregional exhibition “Day of the Voronezh Field”

Department of Agrarian Policy, Voronezh Region, Voronezh

Letter of gratitude for the joint cooperation and participation in the annual international exhibition-conference “Seeds, plant protection products, agricultural technologies. Astrakhan”

FSBI “Rosselkhoztsentr”, Astrakhan Region, Astrakhan

Bronze medal in “AgroComplex” exhibition

International specialized exhibition “AgroComplex”, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Exhibition of agriculture and food industry “KazAgro”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Diploma for the active participation in the exhibition and high quality of the presented products

“Volgograd Farmer” Agroforum, Volgograd

Diploma for the promotion of exhibition activities in the region

“Volgograd Farmer” Agroforum, Volgograd

Letter of gratitude for the active participation in organization and holding the agroindustrial forum “All-Russian Day of the Field”

Main Department of Agriculture of the Altai Territory, Barnaul

Medal for the introduction of machinery, technologies, and selection achievements in the agroindustrial complex

Ministry of Agriculture. All-Russian Day of the Field, Altai Territory

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib / AgroExpoSiberia”, Novosibirsk

Diploma for participation in the Agroindustrial Forum of Siberia

Specialized exhibition. Krasnoyarsk Fair, Krasnoyarsk

Diploma for the active participation in the XXIV international agroindustrial exhibition “AGRORUS”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. International Exhibition Agrorus, St. Petersburg

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of an innovative plant growth regulator “Zerebra Agro”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. International Exhibition Agrorus, St. Petersburg

Certificate of a participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition

22nd International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Bronze medal “Golden Autumn”

XVII Russian agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for the active participation in “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum

6th Agricultural Forum “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum, Saratov

Zoo-business novelty “Zoosphere”

Medal of the XXV Anniversary International Exhibition “AgroComplex”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Award of the XXV Anniversary International Exhibition “AgroComplex”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Diploma for participation in the interregional exhibition “Potatoes”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary

Gold medal of “KazFarm” exhibition for the creation of a plant growth regulator “Zerebra Agro”

Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Diploma for participation in the IX interregional exhibition “Day of the Voronezh Field”

Government of the Voronezh Region, Voronezh

Gold medal for achievements in the field of innovation in the agroindustrial complex, for the creation of an innovative product – a growth stimulator Zerebra Agro

XXV Specialized Exhibition “Agroindustrial Complex”, Volgograd

Diploma for the active participation in the XV specialized exhibition “Agro”

Government of the Orenburg Region, Orenburg

Diploma for participation in the international exhibition of cotton production in Turkmenistan

State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat

Diploma for participation in “AgroTech Russia” exhibition

International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery and means of crop cultivation, Moscow

Certificate of a participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition

21st International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for the active participation in “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum

5th Agricultural Forum “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum, Saratov

Silver medal for the creation of a growth stimulator “Zerebra Agro”

XVI Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for participation in “AgroTech Russia” exhibition

International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery, Moscow

Certificate of a participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition

20th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for active and professional participation in the first specialized exhibition “Kazakhstan Day of the Field” and for contribution to the development of the sector of Kazakhstan

1st specialized exhibition “Zhana Dala”, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akmola Region, Shortandinsky District

Diploma for participation in “Golden Autumn”

XV Russian Agroindustrial Exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for participation in “AgroTech Russia” exhibition

International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery, Moscow

Certificate of a participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition

19th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

The major partner of the main agricultural newspaper of the Urals and Siberia “Agrarnye Izvestiya”

Publishing house “Agrarnye Izvestiya”, Tyumen

Diploma for the active participation in the 10th international forum of sugar

10th (anniversary) international forum of sugar, Kursk

Diploma for participation in “AgroTech Russia” exhibition

International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery, Moscow

Diploma for the active promotion of “Altyn” trademark in the south of Russia

18th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Gold medal for the high performance in the production of “Ethiram” herbicide

XIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Gold medal for the high performance in the production of “Ratnik” herbicide

XIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Gold medal for the high performance in the production of “GlyphAlt” herbicide

XIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for participation “Golden Autumn” exhibition

XII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for the active participation in “BelAgroTechMash” exhibition

Belgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Belgorod

Diploma for the active participation in “BelAgroTechMash” exhibition

Department of Agroindustrial Complex of the Belgorod Region, Belgorod

Diploma for participation in “AgroTech Russia” exhibition

International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery, Moscow

Silver medal for the high performance in the production of plant protection preparations

Russian agroindustrial week “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for participation in the largest agroindustrial exhibition in Siberia “Altai Niva”

“Altai Fair”, Barnaul

Diploma for participation in “Golden Autumn”

XI Russian Agroindustrial Exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for the active promotion of a systemic herbicide “Ethiram” trademark in the south of Russia

International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for the long-term cooperation in organizing and conducting the largest agroindustrial exhibition in Siberia “Altai Niva”

“Altai Fair”, Barnaul

Letter of gratitude for the contribution to the development of foreign economic activity and interregional cooperation

Administration of Altai Territory, Department of Foreign Economic Activity, Barnaul

Diploma for the production and sale of high quality herbicides “ETHIRAM” (in grain crops) and “PIVALT” (in soybeans)

Administration of the Mikhailovsky District of the Amur Region

Certificate of honor for the production and sale of high quality herbicides “ETHIRAM” (in grain crops) and “PIVALT” (in soybeans)

Administration of the Oktyabrsky District of the Amur Region

Diploma for the high quality of the products

14th International Agro-industrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Silver medal in the category “Fertilizers and plant protection preparations”

11th Interregional Agroindustrial Exhibition “AGROPROM”, Voronezh

Gold medal of the exhibition “Day of the Russian Field” for the development and implementation of new pesticides in the agroindustrial complex of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Government of the Republic of Mordovia

Diploma of a participant in the Russian national exhibition

Russian National Exhibition, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Declaration on ensuring the stability of quality indexes and maintaining the achieved high level of agrochemical services for agricultural producers

“100 Best Goods of Russia”, Moscow

“Novelty of the Year” in “Agrochemical Service for Agricultural Producers”

“100 Best Goods of Russia”, Moscow

Letter of gratitude for participation in trade and economic missions in the regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Gold medal for the creation and successful implementation of the advanced technologies in agriculture and their promotion to the market of the Tyumen Region

X specialized agricultural exhibition, Tyumen International Fair, Tyumen

Certificate of honor “Best Service of 2004” for achievements in the field of quality

II regional competition, “Altai CSM” FSI, Barnaul

Gold medal “Best Service of 2004” in agrochemical services for agricultural producers

II regional competition, “Altai CSM” FSI, Barnaul

Letter of gratitude for the contribution to plant protection of Altai agricultural producers

FSI “FGT plant protection station in the Altai Territory”, Barnaul

Gold medal for the development and introduction to the market of new types of plant protection chemicals and agrochemicals for agricultural production

5th Autumn Agroindustrial Assembly, exhibition “Agroprodselmash”. International Exhibition Center “INTERSIB”, Omsk

Letter of gratitude for the development, implementation and promotion of modern technologies in the field of agricultural chemistry and plant protection preparations to the Altai market

Head of the Altai Territory Administration, Barnaul

General sponsor of the first specialized exhibition and fair “AgroKhimObsluzhivaniye”

“Altai Fair”, Barnaul

Letter of gratitude for 100% provision of plant protection preparation to agricultural producers in the Tomsk Region

Department of Social and Economic Development of the Village, Administration of the Tomsk Region, Tomsk

Award for the organization of the scientific and practical conference “Increasing the sustainability of the high-quality production based on the use of plant protection preparations and agrochemicals.”

IX International Agroindustrial and Food Exhibition and Fair “Altai Niva. Altaiagrotekh”, Barnaul

Winner of “Medal of the Altai Fair” competition

IX International Agroindustrial and Food Exhibition and Fair “Altai Niva. Altaiagrotekh”, Barnaul

Winner of “Medal of the Altai Fair” competition

VIII International Agroindustrial and Food Exhibition and Fair “Altai Niva. Altaiagrotekh”, Barnaul

  • All awards
  • 2002
  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021

Certificate of completion of the program “SMB: Innovation incubator”

“SMB Corporation”, federal corporation for the development of small and medium-sized businesses

High-Tech Exporter of the Year

JSC “Russian Export Center”, All-Russian Award “Exporter of the Year

Diploma for the development of innovative preparations, promotion of high-tech development of the agricultural industry, active informational, educational work and productive cooperation in 2020

“Agrarniye Izvestiya” Publishing House, Tyumen

Winner in “Golden Mercury” Russian competition in “The best exporter of the Altai Territory in the field of international innovation cooperation” nomination

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

26th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for the active participation in the exhibition “Agrotechnology InterAgroMash”

“DonExpocentre”, Rostov-on-Don

Letter of gratitude “For the contribution to the formation of the agro-industrial infrastructure of the region.”

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Winner in “Golden Mercury” Russian competition in “The best innovative enterprise in the field of innovation” nomination

Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Barnaul

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib”, Novosibirsk

Diploma for the high quality of the products presented at the exhibition “Agrotechnology InterAgroMash”

“DonExpocentre”, Rostov-on-Don

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Exhibition of agriculture and food industry “KazAgro”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Gold medal for the production and promotion in the agroindustrial complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory plant growth regulator based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Siberian Agroindustrial Forum. Krasnoyarsk Fair, Krasnoyarsk

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib”, Novosibirsk

Diploma of the participant in “Golden Autumn” exhibition

XVIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Bronze medal for the development of an innovative plant growth regulator based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

XVIII Russian agroindustrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma of the regional stage participant in “100 Best Goods of Russia” competition in “Industrial goods for the population” nomination

Government of the Orenburg Region, Orenburg

Prizewinner of the All-Russian competition program “100 Best Goods of Russia” – Pesticide “Zerebra Agro”

Government of the Orenburg Region, Orenburg

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

24th International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Bronze medal in “AgroComplex” exhibition

International specialized exhibition “AgroComplex”, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Exhibition of agriculture and food industry “KazAgro”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Medal in the exhibition

Agroforum “Volgograd Farmer”, Volgograd

Diploma for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Siberian Agroindustrial Forum. Krasnoyarsk Fair, Krasnoyarsk

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib”, Novosibirsk

Silver medal for the world’s first bactericide and fungicide based on chemically modified colloidal silver “Zeroxxe”

International Congress of Organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union, Exhibition “Agrochemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Ecology”, Tambov

Gold medal for a plant growth regulator “Zerebra Agro”

International Congress of Organizations of the Eurasian Economic Union, Exhibition “Agrochemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Ecology”, Tambov

Diploma for the active participation in “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum

7th Agricultural Forum “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field”, Saratov

Diploma for the production of high quality plant protection preparations and professional organization of “Agro Ural” exhibition

Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Perm

Diploma for participation in “Day of the Field. VolgogradAgro” exhibition

“Volgograd farmer” by Shtepo, Volgograd Region, Novoanninsky District

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

23rd International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Diploma for participation in “Day of the Tambov Field” exhibition

Department of Agriculture, Tambov Region, Rasskazovsky District, Kotovskoye

Diploma for participation in the X interregional exhibition “Day of the Voronezh Field”

Department of Agrarian Policy, Voronezh Region, Voronezh

Letter of gratitude for the joint cooperation and participation in the annual international exhibition-conference “Seeds, plant protection products, agricultural technologies. Astrakhan”

FSBI “Rosselkhoztsentr”, Astrakhan Region, Astrakhan

Bronze medal in “AgroComplex” exhibition

International specialized exhibition “AgroComplex”, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of a plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect based on colloidal silver “Zerebra Agro”

Exhibition of agriculture and food industry “KazAgro”, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Diploma for the active participation in the exhibition and high quality of the presented products

“Volgograd Farmer” Agroforum, Volgograd

Diploma for the promotion of exhibition activities in the region

“Volgograd Farmer” Agroforum, Volgograd

Letter of gratitude for the active participation in organization and holding the agroindustrial forum “All-Russian Day of the Field”

Main Department of Agriculture of the Altai Territory, Barnaul

Medal for the introduction of machinery, technologies, and selection achievements in the agroindustrial complex

Ministry of Agriculture. All-Russian Day of the Field, Altai Territory

Certificate of the participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the exposition

International exhibition “AgroSib / AgroExpoSiberia”, Novosibirsk

Diploma for participation in the Agroindustrial Forum of Siberia

Specialized exhibition. Krasnoyarsk Fair, Krasnoyarsk

Diploma for the active participation in the XXIV international agroindustrial exhibition “AGRORUS”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. International Exhibition Agrorus, St. Petersburg

Gold medal for the creation and implementation of an innovative plant growth regulator “Zerebra Agro”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. International Exhibition Agrorus, St. Petersburg

Certificate of a participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition

22nd International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar

Bronze medal “Golden Autumn”

XVII Russian agro-industrial exhibition “Golden Autumn”, Moscow

Diploma for the active participation in “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum

6th Agricultural Forum “Saratov-Agro. Day of the Field” Forum, Saratov

Zoo-business novelty “Zoosphere”

Medal of the XXV Anniversary International Exhibition “AgroComplex”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Award of the XXV Anniversary International Exhibition “AgroComplex”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Diploma for participation in the interregional exhibition “Potatoes”

Ministry of Agriculture of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary

Gold medal of “KazFarm” exhibition for the creation of a plant growth regulator “Zerebra Agro”

Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana

Diploma for participation in the IX interregional exhibition “Day of the Voronezh Field”

Government of the Voronezh Region, Voronezh

Gold medal for achievements in the field of innovation in the agroindustrial complex, for the creation of an innovative product – a growth stimulator Zerebra Agro

XXV Specialized Exhibition “Agroindustrial Complex”, Volgograd

Diploma for the active participation in the XV specialized exhibition “Agro”

Government of the Orenburg Region, Orenburg

Diploma for participation in the international exhibition of cotton production in Turkmenistan

State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat

Diploma for participation in “AgroTech Russia” exhibition

International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery and means of crop cultivation, Moscow

Certificate of a participant, awarded for the relevance and professionalism of the presented exposition

21st International Agroindustrial Exhibition “YUGAGRO”, Krasnodar